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Scissor and Sellotape

Common Questions

Additional information

Why do I have to pay a fee at the beginning of the school year? If I can't pay, who do I talk to?

The fee you pay during registration helps cover the school supplies needed for the school year. If you are unable to afford the fee, do not worry! you can always email us at sutherlinpto@gmailcom for any concerns with payment. 

How can I become part of the PTO?

Join us during one of our Monthly meetings and see how you can help support your Schools and PTO. 

When and where are meetings held?

We normally meet once a month on the 1st or 2nd Monday of the month. Depending on if that day falls on a holiday or if the schools have an event or activity already going on that night. our Meeting generally last about an hour and we start at 5pm. We meet at East school and occasionally we will meet at West. 

Box Tops- An Easy Way to Support our Schools! 

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